• Image of Graffed-Up Dalek

7 and 3/4 inches, 20cm tall.
*There are many more detail shots of this piece on my IG at losdave.*

"After the last invasion, we found this dead Dalek round the back of the chippy in Peckham. Clearly been there for ages and everyone's had a go at it. Proper beat up it is. Someone's yanked bits of panel off, dunno why. Pacey tried to set it on fire, but no chance. So we tagged the f#©k out of it and scooted."

Udit who owns the vape shop where the dead Dalek is sitting says, "Every day I pass the damned thing... It's been sitting there rotting since the last time they came. I wish someone would come and take it away. I've tried to get rid of it myself a few times, but it weighs a ton, also, it smells really bad. I suppose no-one actually wants one of these things staring at them, constantly reminding them of all the people who died and all the destruction. I mean, it freaks me out. I even asked that Doctor bloke to take it, but he says he doesn't have the time or space..."

So 'Dr Who' is becoming a Christmas "tradition" eh? The Daleks were originally conceived as an allegory for the Nazis by their creator Terry Nation in 1963.
So, right wing fascist attitudes repurposed as 'just a bit of fun', or a timely reminder that human history repeats itself when we forget the contexts of (even recently), past events?
#dalek #christmastoys #drwho #graffitistyle #nocanonnolore #exterminate #ethniccleansing #whatgoesaroundcomesaround #graffeduprobots #daleksarentrobots #stopfascism #streetart #tagged #tagging #spraypaint #spraycan #streetarteverywhere #reclaimingtheghetto